
How To Get Money Quick In Rocitizens

Bank of RoCity

The Bank of RoCity is a place in RoCity where you can control your investments and rob the bank.


Invest Photo.png

To start managing your investments you must speak to Jose, an NPC who works at the front desk of the bank. You will be then, a dialouge will then come up to ask you if you want to invest. You must click the green button. Also, the bigger the investment, the longer it'll take.

  1. The least expensive, you will give $1,000 to the bank, and within an hour you'll be able to then collect $1,500.
  2. A bit higher than the last, $3,000 will easily become $5,000 within four hours, no work needed, only time.
  3. Though it seems like it, this one is not the most expensive. In only a day, you can contribute $5,000 for $10,000, but remember, this one takes one day.
  4. Last but not least, the very expensive $10,000 can be $25,000, that is if you are willing to wait a whole week !

Investment Rates

Investing Investment Waiting Time
$1,000 $1,500 1 Hour
$3,000 $5,000 4 Hours
$5,000 $10,000 1 Day
$10,000 $25,000 1 Week


There are two ways you can rob the bank.

  1. For the first way, all you need is your gun. Point it at Jose and he will give you all the cash in the register.
  2. The second is a bit more complicated, and it costs at least $750. You must go to the hideout, where you will find Sam, an NPC who has many supplies for the perfect robbery. Buy the supplies (bomb, lock pick, ands key card) then make your way to the bank. At the bank, you will use the key card to enter through the white door. There you will see the vault, place the bomb right on the vault door and then wait for it to open. When it opens, you can use the lock pick to open one of the many safes, all have a different amount of cash inside. You can bring up to 3 lock picks to steal from the safes. Though, to be able to rob the bank, a police officer must be on duty. You have a limited amount of time to rob the bank, because the vault will close and you will be automatically arrested.

Different items in the vault will grant the player different ammounts of money. Gold Bars are worth $1,500. The stack of gold, iron, and cash are worth $5,000. The stack of money is worth $500. The three iron bars are worth $300. The smaller iron, cash, and gold are worth $400. The vault usually contains around $92,800 dollars in total, but obtaining all of it is currently impossible.


How To Get Money Quick In Rocitizens


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